Star Fruits – Discuss About Its Planting process and Health benefits

About Star Fruits

Star Fruits, also known as carambola, can be found in abundance in Southeast Asia where it is cultivated well. The purple fruit grows on trees in India, Asia, South America, Australia and the southern United States, but is enjoyed raw and cooked all over the world. Although it is often used as a garnish due to its fun nature, it also adds a delicious flavor to many dishes such as salads and cocktails.

The carambola tree is believed to be native to Indonesia and thrives in sunny and warm climates. It is harvested twice a year, usually in autumn and late spring, but can be found year round. Fruits are yellow, oval-shaped with a ridge and look like a star when cut. Depending on the variety, its size and color can vary, from light yellow-green to purple. Starfruit can be eaten whole, including the waxy skin, making it easy to prepare and very good to eat raw and use for decoration. Due to its lack of cultivation and popularity in the United States, starfruit is more expensive than other common fruits such as apples.

When to Plant Star Fruits

Like the tropics, star fruit trees should be planted where frost is not possible. That said, it is wise to plant this plant in early spring to ensure it has time to establish before the summer months. If you are growing carom seeds, they need warm soil to grow. Make sure you use the seedling heat bed at a temperature of at least 70 degrees to ensure proper germination. You will likely want to grow the seeds in containers for a while before transplanting them into the ground, perhaps for 2-3 years.

Where to plant Star Fruits

Full sun is essential for the growth of star fruit. Make sure your star fruit gets at least 8 hours of sunlight per day and is protected from wind. These plants do not tolerate high winds, cold weather or alkaline soil.

Your plant should be 20-30 feet from a tree or other object. This reduces the chance of the plant getting too much shade. Similarly, plants that grow in containers should be away from trees and other things to allow for proper growth.

Health benefits of Star Fruits

Star Fruits

May help in cancer prevention

To determine whether starfruit produces changes in the body, researchers analyzed participants’ blood samples after 2 weeks and 4 weeks of starfruit supplementation. Although it took 4 weeks to see a significant difference, the antioxidant status was better as the participants ate more star fruit, increasing vitamin A and C levels in particular. Although more research is needed, the first research shows that star fruit can protect against the development of cancer by supporting the body with compounds that fight free radicals.

Improves blood sugar control

Fresh fruits and vegetables are beneficial for diabetes management. The fiber in fresh, frozen, or dried fruit, including star fruit, slows digestion and prevents rapid increases in blood sugar. and the development of insulin resistance. Adding star fruit to your diet plan can help reduce the risk of diabetes and control your blood sugar when you include the fruit as part of a healthy diet.

Cancer prevention

Starfruit contains antioxidants and fiber, which reduce the level of toxins in your body. This reduces your chances of developing cancer.


Star fruit is high in vitamin C which gives it immune boosting benefits. Consuming star fruit regularly during cold and flu season is recommended to reap its benefits.

Supports Digestive Health

Starfruit is considered a high fiber food, which can help your digestive system. Add just one serving to your diet and you’ll meet up to 10% of your daily fiber needs at once. Fiber passes through the body slowly and does not dissolve and helps to increase the bulk of the stool and prevent constipation.

In addition to regular support, fiber has also been shown to play an important role in other aspects of nutritional health. It helps promote the health of the intestinal microbiome and can be beneficial in the treatment and prevention of conditions such as diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, ulcers and acid reflux.

Reduces Inflammation

While acute inflammation is an important defense mechanism designed to help protect the body from foreign invaders, chronic inflammation can be harmful to the body. Long-term maintenance of inflammation has been linked to many chronic diseases, including heart disease and autoimmune diseases.

Starfruit is rich in antioxidants that work to reduce oxidative stress and reduce inflammation. A 2016 Brazilian animal model published in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules also showed that starfruit helped reduce inflammation in mice, which may help reduce inflammation-related pain caused by conditions such as arthritis.

How to eat star fruit

First, wash the star fruit under running water to remove any impurities, then cut it into thin slices, discard the seeds in the middle, and enjoy.

Ripe fruits are usually bright yellow, with small green areas. If the fruits have brown spots, cut them before eating.

One can add star fruit to salads, juices, and smoothies. Pieces can also make beautiful jewelry because of their unique shape. Some people also make star fruit syrup for dessert.

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